Countdown to Kick Off
Days Hours Minutes

Stadium Information

Due to increased security, fans are encouraged to arrive early.

Re-entry is not permitted.

If you plan to enter the stadium to watch the March-On of the Corp of Cadets and Brigade of Midshipmen, you will not be permitted to exit the stadium following March-On and re-enter for the game.

NEW Stadium Bag Policy

Only Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC and do not exceed than 12”x6”x12”.  One-gallon clear plastic freezer bag- Ziploc bag or smaller is allowed.  For more information, click here.

Still, digital and video cameras are permitted.

Smoking Ban Is in Effect at Lincoln Financial Field

The newly enacted City of Philadelphia Ordinance prohibiting smoking in Philadelphia public places and work places, including sports facilities, is now in effect at Lincoln Financial Field. By terms of the ordinance, smoking is PROHIBITED in ALL areas of the stadium. Designated smoking areas are available in the following locations:

  • Outside the West Gate across from Section 101
  • Outside the south of the stadium across from Section 113
  • Outside each Club and Suite entry (Club & Suite Guests only)

Any guest who is not in compliance will result in ejection from the stadium.


  • Parking in official lots is $45 per car
  • Oversized vehicles is $90 day of game.

Oversized vehicle (i.e. RVs, Buses, Truck Camper, Pick-up Camper) parking is provided in lots M and N (click on map). Prices at private lots may vary.

Fans with an ADA license plate or placard will be permitted to park in handicap-accessible locations as available.

Handicap-accessible locations are located in each parking lot of the Sports Complex.


Tailgating in NOT PERMITTED in the following parking lots of the Sports Complex:  T, U, S, V W, X, R, Q, and the Naval Hospital Lot (20th & Pattison).

Stadium Directions


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